Liifee is a (joUrney)

David Humberto Méndez Garza
"To develop music from its inception to its final state, promoting education and innovation at all times, in order to carry out work that positively affects the lives from artists to listeners, supporting global mental and emotional health."
I'm dMendez, artist, music producer, and audio engineer born in Mexico.I have been actively involved in music since I was 13 years old, learning to play various instruments both physical and virtual, from acoustic drums to digital synthesizers.Currently I work in various areas of music, offering music production, mixing, mastering, live sound engineering, and live music production management services.Apart from that, I live as an artist in sound, visual and written media. I tend to look for research questions, problems of personal importance, and develop them thinking of art as philosophy: art only exists when the physical plane and the metaphysical plane intersect, hence the importance of working with the mind, heart and body.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
aaaArtttt is (Liifee)
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
Experimental Blankness
Over my few years I have been able to experiment a lot with music, and I have compiled a little more than 40 finished projects but so far none of them are on streaming platforms, this is because none of these convince me.In the search for the non-existent, I have started playing, recording, composing, editing, cutting and erasing every day that I could. And finally I found an answer that so far has convinced me:"Life is a journey, not a destination." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)I didn't learn it directly from him, but I think this sentence is the clearest example I can give you. That said, I started to think differently, at first I thought that perfection would be something obtainable, but when is the moment when something is perfect? How can you tell?What I am looking for is beyond the present, it is something that I have to work hard to achieve, and even then it will never be enough. So when is the time that I can proudly show you something? Then I thought, "I can't show you the future, but I can show you my way".In order to present this to you, I have decided to work on this first official project. EXPERIMENTAL BLANKNESS is a 1 hour piano improvisation, where I try to put all my feelings to the last drop, no note was edited, whether popularly correct or not. And this is not about how many people listen to it, it's about who listens to it.And now, as a child proud of his creation, I present mine to you.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
Who We Are
A journey into one's own mind, divided into 4 small fragments, which are repeated endlessly1. Who Am I?The beginning of who we are: What am I? Why am I? Where am I? When am I? Who am I?2. Let Me ThinkThe doubt caused by the own mind3. Who Are You?The initial question as a response4. Talk to MyselfThe silence as a result of an indefinite resolution
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
Reminiscent of a Lover

One of the first visual artworks that I have made, it was done on an airplane while grieving after leaving my partner in a foreign country.It has to be said that it was one of the saddest moments of my life, I couldn't stop crying while drawing this piece, a remembrance of her.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
To Be Human

After coming back to Mexico I wanted to keep the artistry that I was developing in United Kingdom. Everything talked to me, and it still happens today, I just want to talk back, I want to express myself.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza

I have always had a rough relationship with happiness, I have tried to look for it in far places, but I know it only lies inside of myself.One of those trips were to the Seven Magic Mountains, it is said that it plays with contradictions. They are seven artificial colourful "mountains" made to be beautiful, contradicting the plain nature surrounding them, so I decided to take a black-and-white photograph of them.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
Houses on my Name

I remembered a crucifixion by Francis Newton Souza, it had his autograph as big as Christ's head, that's how this piece started, the first painting I have ever done.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
Reminiscent of a Lover
This is one of the most complex pieces I have done, it took me months to develop, taking into account several research points around its creation.It is a synthesis of my emotions of the first months of the year 2022. There is a clear beginning, development, and end, a clear representation of my blurred rigid mind.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
the musical human
Art is a therapy, it is a ritual in which the artist, the art piece, and the audience interact emotionally with each other. The use of artistic mediums instantly transforms the lack of emotions into a explorative musical soundscape, converting passivity into activity.It is not only a cure, but it is a natural process, a human experience.This is the sound of silence.
Many thanks to Paulina Arendy for her extensive support during the performance, from helping to set up the sound equipment, lights and camera, to being the subject of the piece.It was a long-lasting performance which required hours of preparation beforehand, with 12 independent microphones, 5 guitar pedals, a multi-channel audio interface, and many digital processors.
This is a performance responding to RESPONSES TO ANAESTHESIA, a project curated by Alice Gomiero about the negative impact of social media and the role of art as a cure.The title of the performance is based on a book I was reading at the time with the same name by Michael Spitzer.

© David Humberto Méndez Garza

This is a piece made for my dear friend Kylee Roberts, who is portrayed using acrylic paint. It was made using a variety of nonconventional painting techniques, due to my limited experience and knowledge. It's one of my favorite visual artworks today.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
de mi tierra, Elena
"Elena is a young woman originally from Huasteca lands. Blind from birth, she learned to listen, to feel, to explore her people and her folklore through her ears and imagination. This is her story." (Al Eliza)de mi tierra, Elena is a folkloric album that allows us to explore the vast Mexican culture through musical experimentation that combines regional elements with theater, starting from a totally analog process that ends in Dolby Atmos immersive technology.This is a work produced in conjunction with the artist Edgar Mata, better known as Al Eliza, who is recognized as the main composer and writer of the album.We both thank everyone involved in the project: Karol González, Alfredo Hernández, Ashley Hernández, Marysol Salinas, Angel Silva, María José Montes, Emiliano López, Bárbara Gutiérrez, María José Gutiérrez, Iván Aranda, David Canales, César Luna, Jesús Carlos "Corel", Bruno Navejar, Adalía Aneiros, Lupita Reyes, Fátima Sánchez, Carlos Reyes, Sebastián Domínguez, Victor Aguilar, Manu Silva, David Romero and Max Salinas as interpreters, and Josué Cortés, Jorge Flores, María José Gutiérrez, Iván Aranda, Antonio Vásquez, Alejandro Bustamante, Carlos Reyes, Emilio Morín, David Romero, Bernardo Méndez and Guillermo Siller as technical assistants.The cover art of the project was created jointly by dMendez, Al Eliza and Antonio Vásquez.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
"ynqpet" was made in collaboration with Rev55, who is the singer and main writer of the song:Puede que no esté en la condición
Para demandar mi mejor versión
Si me falta, quererme a mí mismo
Si me cuesta
Verme en el espejo y que la nariz no me crezca
Por decirme que tu ausencia no me pesa
Yo te siento cómoda viviendo en mi cabezaY ahora, todo lo que vives sin mí
Y yo pensando en ti, me ahoga
No quiero ver el mañana sin ti
Si solo, veo una sogaMe extraña, no tengo paciencia
Y no creo que termine pronto
Todo el sufrimiento por ti
Quiero saber si mi estancia
En tu vida ha valido la pena
Al verte huirY encontrarte, a veces se siente
Como golpe de la peor suerte
Y donde el sol no brilla
La sombra nos consume
El frío nos congela
No hay que prender la lumbreNo sé cuándo puedo olvidar
Todo lo veo en ti
Y me hace llorarNo sé cuánto puedo aguantar
Todo se siente mal
El mundo se me caeNado en cristales rotos
Pueden cortar y un dolor inusual
DesapareceráTodo aquel recuerdo,
En tu posesión
Con todo y emoción
Perecer el tú y yoY aunque me cueste
Voy a obtener todo lo que desee
Lo que viene del serUn cielo reluciente, que promete
Un lugar en tu piel
Sin tener que romperAquellas promesas, que hice a los dos
La frecuencia mayor,
Toma la decisiónSiempre estas en mi mente,
Pareciera ser, que no hay fecha vigente
Y te puse un sillonPienso en mí
Como si fuera
Yo quisiera
Que tú seas
Que tú seas(Para mí)Pienso en ti
Como si fuera
Yo quisiera
Que me veas
Que me veasThe cover art of the project was created jointly by Rev55 and dMendez.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
© David Humberto Méndez Garza
The contextualization of a story, the preface of a book, the preparations for Temizu.It was released on the birthday of my father, and the cover art is virtually modified picture of a painting made by my mother.This is my way of showing gratitude to my family, they have given me unconditional love.

This is the original painting made by my mother, gifted to me.
© David Humberto Méndez Garza